
Everything changes so fast, way too fast. I haven’t been writing for years now. I just remembered that I had a WordPress profile and I immediately went through my posts. After a few minutes I realized that so many things have changed.

I have changed and world has changed too. I am an adult now. I’m working full time, I own a small apartment and I live on my own, well except for my roommate, my cat.

Everything went by so fast. I can’t even tell where the time went but from one second to the other I was there living alone my own life with no one to tell me what to do.

I can do whatever I want.

But not everyone has this opinion to choose. So I see myself as very lucky at the moment. But would I also say that I’m happy with the life I’m living? Of course I could do more, show my full potential but there’s always this voice in the back of my mind which tells me I will fail, I will not get it far. My fear of failure is too big to change something. All in all my life is good but it could be better but I’m not brave enough to change something about it. Am I the only one?

Everything has changed. The world has changed. The governments are still fighting senseless wars but nowadays they are also having bitch fights via Twitter, ridiculous. We are debating if islamic women are allowed to wear head scarfs instead of worrying about children who die of starvation. Why’s that so?

These were my Sunday thoughts. Tell me yours! 🙂


#life #beingadult #changes


It’s been a while, I know, but I just wasn’t in the mood.
I feel sad. I feel sad because there is so much hatred around me. Around us. But why’s that?
Look at the mediterranean countries of North Africa. Why can IS rule over so many countries? How can they threaten them to death that they would leave their home to be save even though they’re supposed to live in a tent with many more people around. Strangers.
What about Germany,  USA, UK, France? How can you let this be?
How is it possible that a terrorist militia can even get so big that where ever you are, whether if you’re in Africa, Europe or the States, that you have to be scared that some kind of assassination will happen. How can you as a parent be sure that your kid is save on its way to school when some people firing aimless with a gun around.

And now to all the people who offend refugees in every single way. Where do you get the right to judge about them? Have you ever been in a situation where you HAD TO leave your home or have you ever seen that your family and friends got shot? I am sure that 99.9% haven’t seen any of that! You can not even relate to them in the slightest way!
I think nobody would leave his home, family or friends just to get in  countries where more than 50% doesn’t accept and welcome you; where you have to sleep in a tent with some strangers you’ve never seen before.

It makes me so sad and angry when people feel that way because I just don’t get it. I mean, would you stay in a country where you or your children could die every minute? I don’t think so.

Don’t judge people without knowing their story. 

xx Jackie

The old soul


I know it’s been a while but I kind of didn’t want to write anything or to say it in better words I didn’t find inspiration. But now I’ve got a little something for you. It’s an awesome text I read on Facebook from a friend named Annabel. I must say I loved it from the beginning to the end. I guess she wrote it by herself and then she posted it on her wall. Thank you Annabel for sharing your talent for writing with us! 🙂

So here you go:

“I’ve been told what they call an old soul. Mature for my age; able to see things that others my age can’t. I believe this to be true, and while it’s great to be able to appreciate things in ways that my classmates can’t see, my “gift” also comes with a price. Having the mind of an adult is a burden on more ways than not. The main example is love. I’m not talking about a high school crush that you can just laugh and watch movies with, I mean the real deal. This struggle is a pain that is both emotional and physical. I lie in bed at night and just like wish that I could have that person there, to hug and tell stories and to look deep in their eyes , not needing to say any words. I have felt this love towards others, and I wish that I could experience, just for a day, what it feels like for those feelings to be placed upon me. It deeply saddens me that I remain in high school, a place full of shallow relationships. The worst part is, though, I know that there are men that feel the same way inside, hiding in the life of video games and parties. I wish I was capable to be the initiator, ask someone to homecoming or on a date. But sadly, being an old soul does not automatically give you confidence. This may sound ridiculous to most people who take the time to read it, but I honestly don’t care. I just hope that there are a handful of people out there who truly understand what I’m feeling inside and the joy and pain that comes with those feelings of love. I am also not fishing for a boyfriend, just expressing my thoughts on life and what it entails. Sometimes just knowing that someone read/heard what you said is enough.”

– Annabel K.

  • Annabel K

Über Religion, Frieden und Krieg.


Was ist der Grund, der junge Männer und Frauen zu sogenannten ‘Gotteskriegern’ werden lässt? Ist es eine so starke Liebe zu Gott, dass man die Welt rund um sich vergisst und einfach alles und jeden von seinem Glauben überzeugen will? Oder ist es einfach nur die Gier nach Geld und Macht die diese jungen Erwachsenen meines alters lockt? Was steckt hinter all dem? Ihr fragt euch vielleicht weshalb ich gerade über dieses heikle Thema schreibe.
Nun ja, in den Medien wurde in den letzten paar Wochen über nichts anderes berichtet, egal ob in der Zeitung oder im Fernseher. Und nun bekannte sich auch jemand aus meinem sozusagen ‘bekannten Kreis’ (diese Person ging mit mir auf die selbe Schule) zu einem Gitteskrieger. Ich werde bewusst keinen Namen dieser Person nennen.
Ich würde zu gerne wissen, was andere Menschen dazu veranlasst zu töten. Geht es wirklich nur darum seinen Glauben zu verteidigen oder schon um viel mehr?
Aber keines von beiden ist akzeptabel! Wieso kann man den Glauben anderer nicht einfach tolerieren, das bedeutet ja nicht gleich das man selbst daran glauben muss. Einfach getreu nach dem Motto: “Leben und leben lassen.”, somit wäre doch jeder zufrieden. Nein, stattdessen führen sie Kriege in Gottes Namen. Ich denke, falls es einen Gott gibt, wäre es ihm bestimmt kein Anliegen gewesen, dass man in seinem Namen Kriege führt und schon gar nicht würde es ihm gefallen, wenn sich die Menschheit gegenseitig.ausgerottet.  Und weshalb das alles? Nur weil man nicht die selben Ideale verfolgt. Wenn ihr meine Meinung wissen wollt, ist das alles unlogischer Schwachsinn, denn jeder kann doch glauben woran er will.

xx Jackie


Childhood. The time when we were free of all problems. We didn’t worry about anything except for playing with our friends. Childhood is the time when Disney movies let our eyes shine brightly, when we fell in love with Peter Pan and it’s the time we miss the most once we are grown. I remember when we were only playing some ball games all day without getting bored. Kids nowadays often only sit infront of TV, Computers or their PlayStation. They’ll never experience what we’ve experienced. I think this is kind of sad. And why did we want to grow up so fast? We all wanted to be adults but we didn’t know that being an adult insults facing problems. Childhood is the time when everything is possible and nothing unreachable.
Everyone should appreciate a childrens childhood and don’t make kids to behave like adults.

xx Jackie

It’s all about the same..

Why did humanity invent money? I know this question is easy to answer: Power. The more you have the more powerful you are. But why’s that? How did it come so far? Why do we need to work for our money?
So many people say ‘Live your life don’t dream your life’ or any of this kind. But how could I? All those people who say that mostley don’t need to work hard for their money. Maybe some do but most of them don’t. So do they even know how hard it is to fullfil your dreams? And that some of them are not possible at all? But what do they want to tell us? Honestly, nothing. They just wanna show you that they probably have a better life than you have, I mean a ‘better’ life in their opinion and that the others need to work till death to afford their own funerals.
What if I don’t need all that money or whatever to be happy? What if I only need my loved ones around me and not a Ferrari or  anything like that? I think they’ll never get what’s life about.. Love .. Happiness and family.

xx Jackie

Ob arm, ob reich, ob dick, ob dünn

Vier starke Beine die mich stützen und viele Generationen die mich benützen

Mit Rahmen der mich schmückt und viele Menschen die ich beglück

Was bin ich wohl? Ein Stier? Ein Bär? Mit Pfoten und als Feind ein Gewehr?

Nein, ich bin ein warmes Bett, dass finden viele Leute nett

Ob arm, ob reich, ob dick, ob dünn und oftmals gute Nachricht ich verkünd

Doch nicht nur das Leben sondern auch der Tod ist der Anblick der sich mir erbot

Viel Freud aber auch das Leid ist, was sich mit mir treibt

Ich bin ganz ruhig und sanft und schließe dich wärmend in meine Arme und manchmal sich solch schöne Nacht sich uns erbarme

Ich schütze dich vor dunklen, düstren Nächten und den Ängsten die dich bemächten
Du fühlst dich sicher und geborgen, doch das alles ist doch nur erworben

Wie kann ich all dies bloß ausstrahlen? Wenn ich doch nur ein einsam Bett und nur bemalen?

©Jacqueline Weinrich

xx Jackie

P.S.: Wenn man so denkt, was ein Bett für jemanden bedeutet kommt einem sehr viel in den Sinn. Gefällt euch mein erstes Gedicht? 🙂



Desert of my dreams

Dreams. I personally love dreaming wether if it’s day or night. In your dreams you can live the life you want. You can do the things you want. And all this without getting judged by someone, without getting interrupted except for the alarm in the morning.
You can sneak away from real life. You can forget all the things you’re struggling in life with. Yes, you can even love someone who’s unreachable. You just can escape from your life.
Dreams are inspiration. Sometimes they even lead you to the right path. They show you the answer to the question you’ve been questioning that long. Dreams make your wishes come true. They can fulfill your hopes and fight your fears.
In your dreams you can be the hero to save the maid. In your dreams you can be brave enough to tell them all what you really want in life.
In your dreams you can met all the loved ones who already passed away. And even though dreams can do so much.

Dreams are only dreams.

Think about it. Good night
xx Jackie

P.S.: I often dream about beeing in the desert. And to let the sun burn down onto my skin. And I’m wearing some of those traditional clothes. Would be wonderful.

Do you know that feeling?


Do you know that feeling when a songs comes on and you just wanna stand up and dance like crazy? Or do you know that feeling when for example an Ed Sheeran songs starts and you immediately start feeling sad? Can you relate if I say music makes me feel alive and music understands me?

I don’t know why humanity is so stucked to music. I mean in a song you can say what you want, you can say something you’d never have said without some backing vocals and instruments. 

But not only pop music, hiphop or any of that kind gets me in a good mood. Have you ever tried to listen to Mozart, Bach, Debussy or Beethoven while lying in the bath tub with closed eyes? I can only recommend this to everybody. Even though you’re just lying in the tub you feel sooo free! You’re mind gets so free, I can’t find any better words. Or in summer when it’s too hot for bath (in my case) just take a sunchair, lie down take your headphones and volume up. And if you’re reading a book while listening to music, you can even concentrate better. Same goes for studying! Listening to classical music while studying is the best thing you can do. Everytime I do this my tests turn out good. Well.. maybe I should do this more often… I certainly will! lmaoI love classical music, I wish I could play the piano or violin they sound so beautiful.

Do you know that feeling when you’re listening to your favorite song and you just can’t turn it off and you just feel like you’re in kinda state of trance? Or when a songs comes on and you’ve got butterflies in your belly, like you’re in love? What is this feeling? And why do we get it? 

xx Jackie

3 days of Paris, 3 days of chaos – day 3

So here it is the final last day – enjoy! 
Day 3:
So this day we only went to the “Cimetière Père Lachaise” a famous cemetery of Paris. So many famous personalities were buried in here. Famous persons like Jim Morrison (“The Doors”), Frédéric Chopin, Édith Piaf, Oscar Wilde and many more. It was a wonderful experience being there.

After that we went back to the hotel to check out. We were running late but only about 30mins and guess what? The hotel staff put all the stuff which was not in the suitcases into trash bags and placed our suitcases and the trash bags next to the reception. They could’ve called us or something and further more they’ve destroyed my mothers suitcase. Aaand now the worst thing! They’ve stolen my aunts credit card. My aunt couldn’t find it anymore so she immediately called her husband to disable it.
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After that we wanted to go to the airport. But this time we decided to go by “Le Metro” because of the taxi drivers we had the last few times. We asked some nice and friendly police men where we had to go and they gave us a piece of paper where everything we needed was on. So there we were, six tourists at the underground of Paris. We got out of the metro at Saint-Denis I think but I’m not really sure. We were in the middle of nowhere, I mean this is how we felt. There were so many poor people and I felt so guilty, because we were having a nice holiday trip, while they were struggling through life. Well anyways, we asked a security which train we should take and he just said there was no train to the airport. We told him the police said so and all he said was, I cite “The police only says bullshit” lmfao!
Well, we gave up and tried to get a taxi and now there was the next problem. There was only one taxi  free and the taxi driver had his kids in the back so he could only take two with him. He tried to call other taxis but we had to wait an hour till we finally had a second taxi. I really thank those taxi drivers, they were so nice and helpful and they kind of saved us!
Traveler Digital Camera
Finally we arrived at the airport and the rest of the evening and our flight were going alright! Thank god!
Those three days were really exhausting but we also had so much fun and I don’t wanna miss this. It also was hard to handle for us, that for sure, it was our first time far away but we’re glad that we made it! And still I can say “J’adore Paris”!

xx Jackie